UG2 in Action & News

National Cleaning Week: Our Cleaners Put Customers First

By Jimmy Mendez

It is no exaggeration to say that our cleaners have moved our customers and their guests to tears. The stories hit our inbox all the time.

We frequently get notes and e-mails calling out a particular member of Team UG2 for going the extra mile. Many times, those incidents involve our front line cleaners coming through with some unexpected kindness in the act of performing their day-to-day duties. For example, our employees working at a higher education campus went above and beyond when an anxious mom, moving her son into his dorm, discovered a moldy refrigerator. In another instance, our cleaners helped, waited with, and comforted, a woman whose husband had a medical incident in the mall parking lot. And there was the time when our cleaners whose stellar work caught the attention of a business owner, who then wrote to us crediting them for his ability to keep his business going during the COVID-19 pandemic.

National Cleaning Week is an annual opportunity to recognize the value and importance of our janitorial employees—but of course, at UG2, we are reminded of their excellence and their contributions every day of the year. We couldn’t succeed without them, and we are often humbled by their commitment to our company and customers.

When we talk about our 2023 focus or our customer-centric approach and try to distill down the basic tenets behind our mission, we often find ourselves discussing the examples set by our people on the front lines—everyday acts that truly demonstrate our principles in real time. In the face of an incredibly demanding field, at a time when the stakes have never been higher in terms of health and safety, the members of Team UG2 just keep knocking it out of the park. And for every story that’s brought to our attention in a word or note of gratitude from a customer, there are thousands of similar gestures that happen quietly, without pomp or circumstance or any recognition at all.

For our part, UG2 leadership commits to continuously supporting our teams in every way we can conceive of, from being attentive and responsive when it comes to communication to equipping our employees with the latest innovation and technology. We protect them—and our customers—with the most rigorous safety planning and protocols in the industry. We offer ongoing professional development through our training and innovation lab, and many training courses and resources, and we take pride in offering real career paths and promoting from within.

We are grateful for the relationships our cleaners build with their coworkers and customers—and we are incredibly proud to have each and every one of them in the UG2 family.

Jimmy Mendez
Account Manager