From the Experts, Tips & Tricks

How Facility Services Can Elevate Workplace Culture

By Jeff Klein

The Right Facility Services Partner Can Help Transform Your Organization

From pristine and sparkling spaces to clean air and excellent amenities to well-maintained equipment and resources, a welcoming, smooth-running facility can boost employees’ moods and keep them engaged and productive. In fact, researchers have found that prioritizing factors such as natural light, acoustics, aesthetics and air quality can lead to more satisfied employees, reduced absenteeism, increased productivity and higher rate of employee retention.  

For these reasons, identifying a facility services partner who understands your organization, acts as an extension of your team and aligns its goals with yours can have an enormous effect on your organizational culture and your employees’ overall health and quality of life.

A positive workspace environment can have profound impacts

The myriad effects of a good office environment are well understood and documented—and they make a lot of sense. A healthy and happy environment promotes focus, allows for greater creativity, and advances collaboration and problem solving. At UG2, we understand that attention to ergonomics, different types of light, quality air, and comfortable temperatures not only increases physical comfort, but it also elevates mental health and wellbeing—and demonstrates that you care about the people spending time in the space and the concerns that matter to them.

Minor issues can have a disproportionate effect

A dripping faucet. Misdirected mail. Empty paper towel dispensers. Rattling HVAC. A flickering bulb. An overflowing recycling bin. Confusing signage. Tripping hazards on stairs. Storm debris strewn across a walkway. A system shutdown for repair with no warning. These issues are highly preventable—but they take place routinely in a facility that’s not receiving adequate attention. And even if just one or two of these indicators of neglect come up regularly, their impact will snowball. A responsive team that pays close attention to detail, knows your space, communicates well, and prioritizes preventative maintenance means you won’t waste time on those issues.

Personalized attention strengthens partnership and community

A successful facilities management approach is grounded in authentic relationships. Employees thrive when they know what to expect from the teams cleaning and managing their spaces and facilities. UG2’s focus on interpersonal communication and responsiveness means your own employees and tenants feel heard and valued as their concerns are prioritized. And our impressive employee retention rate means you’ll have a solid, consistent team that knows your facility and is personally invested in the wellbeing of the people who inhabit it.

Care, communication and consistency are critical

Regular communication and transparent practices help build confidence. Feedback loops and creative problem solving demonstrate a caring and respectful attitude. UG2’s teams are trained to be forthcoming about timelines, to demonstrate accountability, and to maintain consistent practices, protocols, and approach. These factors, along with ensuring continuity on the team that serves your facility, are critical to the dynamics of the relationship, and to our ultimate success in our partnerships.

Sustainable solutions demonstrate respect for your facility and your people.

From using eco-friendly products, championing green initiatives, and offering energy audits to delivering the latest technology for data management, maintenance, and reporting, UG2 leads the way in combining forward-looking problem solving with an emphasis on sustainability, efficiencies, and cost savings. That matters to your employees—which means it makes a difference to your bottom line.

Excellence in facility services is about building a culture of trust

At UG2, we are committed to helping you run a well-functioning organization, with the refinements, process improvements, tools, and technology to support that commitment over the long term. If you’d like to learn more about the many ways our excellence can support excellence in your workplace, get in touch today.

Jeff Klein
Director, Operations