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Gain Immediate Benefits When You Outsource Facility Services

By Armando Lezama, Jr.

Key Advantages in the Short Term

Although outsourcing relationships bring notable long-term benefits, that doesn’t mean you won’t see some shorter-term ones as well. Particularly when you bring on a knowledgeable, insightful partner with experience in your industry, you’ll likely find two key advantages:

Cost Savings

One of the biggest sticking points for many organizations considering outsourcing for the first time is the perception that it will be a budget buster. That may be especially true if you’re envisioning bringing in several different companies that specialize in certain parts of facilities management.

Good news: It doesn’t have to be like that. In fact, you can save money with the right outsourcing provider.

In-house operations and maintenance (O&M) programs often add up to 30% or more to program costs due to overtime charges and inefficient subcontractor arrangements. You may be bringing in professionals in a piecemeal fashion—a plumber for one issue, an HVAC company for another, electrical experts for yet another—and paying the price, literally, for addressing emergency problems that could have been avoided through more strategic planning.

The same scenario can happen with janitorial services, especially if you’re relying on partial outsourcing for those tasks. Much like O&M, taking a more strategic approach that’s proactive can give consistent results that drive up tenant and occupant satisfaction.

With an experienced outsourcing partner, all of these ad hoc costs can be wiped out by moving away from an out-tasking model. Not only do you save money by eliminating vendor calls, but you also significantly cut down on overtime, and tap into the benefits of volume discounts, lower equipment purchasing totals, and much more streamlined—and affordable–maintenance procedures.

Improved Service Delivery

Addressing issues as they arise is a problematic approach. Although some degree of reactive maintenance will always be necessary, conducting root cause analyses when these issues arise will proactively prevent them from happening again.  That’s what turns your facility services program toward a strategic approach, leading to much better operations overall.

With experienced facility management teams, service delivery isn’t about simply tweaking a few procedures here and there, and dealing with minor problems as they arise. Instead, it relies heavily on process improvement, implementation of best practices, thorough inspections, removing productivity roadblocks, anticipating cleaning and disinfection needs, and more.

Although a full facilities management approach provides extensive long-term benefits, shorter-term gains can also be notable. That’s especially true with a facilities company that can tailor services based on your unique needs. When those are addressed, you get traction toward process improvements that deliver ROI and a seamless transition.

Learn more about UG2 facility services. Let’s have a conversation about what you need, and most of all, where you can go from here!

Armando Lezama, Jr.
Account Manager