From the Experts, UG2 in Action

The Benefits of Mobile Maintenance Services

By James Lane

If we’ve learned anything from the last few years, it’s that the best laid plans often go awry. That’s why our Mobile Maintenance Services team is such an asset. It gives our customers access to highly skilled technicians 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

But there’s more to it than just convenience. Our mobile team is the heart and soul of the Operations and Maintenance component of our business—we’ve been providing this service to customers since 2012.

Here are some of the key benefits of mobile maintenance services:

Easy Access to Highly Skilled Labor

Our mobile team is made up of highly skilled, multi-craft, and extremely well-trained friendly tradespeople who utilize the latest tools, equipment, and advanced technology. In addition to general mechanics, the team includes licensed electricians, plumbers, and HVAC technicians.

Regardless of expertise, our mobile technicians are capable of going into an unfamiliar environment, quickly and efficiently troubleshooting an issue, and either making the repair on the spot or coming back with the right part if it’s not immediately available. They have an impressively wide range of abilities, from changing commercial rooftop units to building a sheetrock wall to working in extremely specialized and sensitive environments.

Many of our customers have become so impressed with our mobile techs that they consider them an extension of their own in-house team. This is due not only to their talent, reliability, and attention to detail, but also their skill at communication and customer service.

A More Cost-Effective Solution

Instead of having to pay for a full-time employee, UG2’s mobile maintenance services give customers the option to hire a highly skilled technician with expertise in a particular trade as the need arises. Team members arrive on location in a fully equipped truck ready to do the job they were hired to do, then leave. The customer only ends up paying for the time it takes for a specific service to be completed.

It also pays to have a multi-skilled tradesperson on-site. Hiring several different workers, each with their own expertise, can be cost prohibitive. Meanwhile, if a customer calls one of our mobile techs in to change a compressor, they can also take care of additional tasks while they’re there, like switching out light bulbs or fixing a leaky toilet.

On-Call Service, Repair, and Maintenance

A major advantage of offering mobile maintenance services is that it can help with staff augmentation. If an employee leaves an organization, we can temporarily fill that position until a new hire is brought onboard. Our team members are also frequently assigned to fill in for employees who are on vacation or out sick.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our customers’ employees have either come down with COVID-19 or been out for two weeks to quarantine. But that work still needs to get done. Luckily, our mobile techs have been able to step in and help our customers safely fill those voids.

A Better Way To Do Business

Of course, offering mobile maintenance services also benefits UG2 from a business standpoint. It serves as a training ground for our apprenticeship program. Younger team members gain exposure to different environments and a wealth of knowledge from their more experienced peers, which adds to their education, visibility, and technical efficiency.

Contact us to get the highest standard of facility services.

James Lane
Senior Vice President, Operations & Maintenance