Expert Insights, UG2 in Action & News

Higher Education: How UG2 Serves as Stewards of On-Campus Excellence

By Maria C. Tueros

5-Star Facility Services to Help Campuses Thrive

For many of us, no matter our age, September recalls the back-to-school sentiments of a fresh start, a clean slate, and new experiences.

At UG2, we are grateful for the opportunity to live the true back-to-school “reset” year after year. Of course, our work with higher education facilities takes place year-round, and we’ve been working all summer to get campuses ship-shape and sparkling in anticipation of the upcoming school year.

As summer comes to a close, we couldn’t be more ready to welcome back faculty, staff, students, and visitors. The complexities of maintaining safe and beautiful campus communities give UG2 a chance to really shine. Here’s how we keep the polish on.

Attention to detail combined with big-picture prevention. Beautification and preventative maintenance of buildings and grounds, electrical and lighting expertise, conditions assessment and capital planning—the list goes on, and we have experts tuned in and ready for every level of service to anticipate the constantly evolving needs on campus. We stay on top of immediate needs while never losing sight of the long view.

Rigorous, proven processes. From incorporating the most rigorous safety standards for all we do to continuously building on our understanding of best practices around deep cleaning and sanitization to air filtration and preventative maintenance, we rely on systems and processes that meet—and exceed—the highest standards in the industry.

Hands-on management. Much of our senior leadership have been with the company since its inception—and in the industry for decades before that—but their seniority doesn’t mean they’re far removed from the day-to-day efforts and challenges of the work. In fact, we are hands-on, in-person, and very present in supporting our employees, resolving issues, and fine-tuning our approach. 

Innovative, sustainable solutions that save time and money. From using eco-friendly chemicals, championing green initiatives, and offering energy audits to delivering the latest technology for data management, maintenance, and reporting, UG2 leads the way in combining forward-looking problem solving with an emphasis on sustainability, efficiencies and cost savings.

Specialized service. Campuses have needs that set them apart from other facilities, with multiple facility types, spaces that remain in operation 24/7, and high levels of interpersonal engagement. We not only take those differences into consideration, we’ve developed deep expertise in tailoring our services to fit their unique needs.

Personalized attention. Students thrive when they experience education in a community environment, and a successful facilities management approach must embrace and reflect that reality. Our teams and supervisors get to know your campus well, and our low turnover rate means you can count on familiar, friendly faces who understand your campus culture and take pride in our work—and yours.

UG2’s approach to facility management for higher education institutions has yielded longstanding working relationships with colleges and universities of every size across the country. It also contributes to our customer retention rate of 99%. Learn more about how UG2 could serve your institution’s needs, get in touch with us today.

Maria C. Tueros
Regional Human Resources and Business Manager