Expert Insights

Sight: Making First Impressions Count

By Christopher Eyssen

First impressions form quickly, last long and are very hard to overturn. Studies have shown that it takes less than 27 seconds of meeting someone to create an impression. The same thing happens when people walk into your facility.

Impressions are formed through 5 senses: sight, smell, sound, touch and taste. A positive encounter can contribute to your success. These days, everyone expects facilities to be clean and comfortable so it’s important to take all the measures you can to keep your facility feeling pristine clean and safe.

In our 5 senses blog series, we’ll look at each of the senses and how to make them shine, starting with Sight.

Seeing is Believing

What do people see when they drive onto your campus, walk into your building, and step into your restrooms? Are the lawns manicured? Is the parking area well-lit and free of debris? Are floors sparkling? Is signage clear?

When it comes to sight, lots of little things can add up to create a positive or negative impression. One piece of trash on the floor may go unnoticed, but four or five won’t. Smudges on a glass door may be forgiven, but not if they’re followed by overflowing trash bins.

Your facility’s appearance can have larger impact on visitors or occupants than you may realize. For instance, one study found that in offices where employees thought cleanliness was lacking, 72% said their surroundings made them less productive. Nearly half (46%) took longer lunch breaks and spent less time in the office, and a quarter said they took sick leave because their surroundings were depressing.

Remember also that tenants and visitors may adjust their behavior to fit the environment they’re experiencing. Seeing your facility service team mopping spills right away, wearing fresh, clean uniforms, or straightening out a chair as they pass through a room, may inspire others to keep their surroundings clean and orderly.

Here are just a few of the ways UG2 ensures our team continually creates the best visual impression for your facility:

  • We communicate regularly so everyone understands what each of our customers expect in terms of facility cleanliness and staffing.
  • We discuss how to best interact with your facility’s occupants and visitors, including how to listen and react to their feedback.
  • We encourage our team to take their jobs personally, to care about the smallest details, and we recognize and reward them when they do.
  • We are proactive in order to deliver the highest standard of facility services.
  • We adjust schedules based on your occupancy and traffic.
  • We conduct cleaning and landscaping inspections, review results with our team and yours, and course correct whenever needed.
  • We provide staff with the best-suited cleaning and landscaping tools and technologies, so they have everything needed to make your facility shine, inside and out.   
Christopher Eyssen
Manager, Operations