UG2 in Action, UG2 News

Saluting UG2’s Military Veterans

By Sara Cayem

Honoring Their Service, Dedication and Extraordinary Skills

At UG2, we stand by our country’s military and veterans. We honor not only their service but the invaluable skills they cultivated during their time in the armed forces. The experiences our veterans faced provide them with a unique outlook on life and the civilian workforce, which makes our community even stronger.

In honor of Veterans Day, we’d like to take a moment to recognize some of UG2’s talented veterans:

Ian Dundas

Chief Engineer, Waltham, MA

Ian Dundas is a reservist in the US Coast Guard and is going on his 20th year of service this June. In addition to being a Lieutenant Commander (LCDR), his current duty station is based in Boston where he serves as an Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer.

Ian describes the many skills he has developed in his time in the Coast Guard, “It’s taught me a lot about time management, and operations management and instilled some values that (hopefully) allow me to create high-performing teams that get stuff done!” He also highlights the importance of laughter and enjoyment, “You’ve got to have fun when you can!”

Currently, Dundas implements these values in his position as Chief Engineer at a Life Science facility in our New England Center of Excellence. He loves the dynamic environment and leads a successful team of engineers with the knowledge he has cultivated.

Jeff Jensen

Regional Engineering Manager, Washington, D.C.

When Jeff Jensen stepped into Marine Corps boot camp in 1992, he was assigned as the Guide, and he held the position until graduation. Being a guide represents immense leadership for a Marine recruit.

This experience was pivotal for Jensen as he developed a deep understanding of the skills required to be a good leader, which he carries with him today at UG2 as Regional Engineering Manager in our Mid-Atlantic Center of Excellence. He describes, “The Marine Corps prepared me to be a leader and taught me how to delegate authority under intense pressure.”

Jensen credits his professional success in the civilian world to the lessons he learned in the Marine Corps. He explains “I don’t think I would have achieved as much as I have if not for the core values I learned in the Marine Corps.”

Matt Randall

Director of Operations, New York, NY

Matt Randall dedicated almost four years to the U.S. Marine Corps, where he achieved the rank of NCO-Corporal. Through his professional journey in the civilian workforce, he has been able to apply the skills he acquired during service, which he also brings to his current position as Director of Operations in our Tri-State Center of Excellence.

Randall articulates “Accountability is at the top. You hold yourself to the highest standards first. You lead through that example and then you expect those around you to do the same”. Day in and day out, he strives to be a role model for his team, demonstrating high standards firsthand.

His time in the Marines instilled the value of caring for those around him, known as “troop welfare.” At UG2, Matt tries to influence others positively by exemplifying these values, and consistently leading by example.

To all veterans across the country, including those within UG2, we extend our sincerest Veterans Day wishes. Your service and dedication have made an undeniable impact, and we’re incredibly grateful for all you’ve done for our country.

Sara Cayem
Marketing Coordinator