Tips & Tricks, UG2 in Action

Why Practicing Gratitude is More Important— and More Impactful — Than Ever

By Lauren Lanzillo

Gratitude—for our friends, family, and loved ones, for our UG2 family, our customers, our accomplishments, and for so much more—has always been foundational to our work at UG2.

In my own life, practicing gratitude has brought me peace and a feeling of being centered and complete. Whenever I stray from the practice and feel anxiety and uncertainty building, I know that returning to my daily gratitude prompts will help me right the ship.

For UG2, this past year has been one of tremendous growth. That gives us much to be grateful for, but the change that comes with growth makes the practice of gratitude—striving for calm and balance—ever more important. This reality was at the forefront of my thinking as I considered potential prompts for UG2’s annual Season of Gratitude.

On a personal note, as UG2’s Associate Vice President of Culture and Community, I have never been more grateful for the care and connections I experience daily in my work. I dedicate this year’s Season of Gratitude to each and every one of you who has found new ways to shine a light on the small joys and immense talent you experience and witness from your peers and colleagues. Thank you for magnifying and multiplying the gratitude effect.

Some of my favorite prompts from this year’s gratitude challenge include:


Today’s the day to focus your attention on the friends who brighten your world. Who has been by your side no matter what? Who can you always call or message to chat? Who puts a smile on your face? Have you made any new connections or rekindled some relationships in the last year? (It’s also a good day to let those friends know how much you care about them!) 


Work-related gratitude might be a challenge if you don’t love what you do but try to consider how work makes your life better. It provides income, and it can challenge, inspire, and excite you. Today, reflect on how you’re fortunate to have a job to go to. How does this experience improve your life or help you in some way? 


For today, we’re all about optimism. It might seem an odd thing to be thankful for but imagine if you never believed that something good could happen; you’d never be inspired to do anything. Is there something you feel particularly optimistic about?  


Food is one of the most amazing things in life. It allows us to connect with people, explore different cultures, discover new places, and create memories and experiences. What food(s) are you grateful for? Is there a family recipe that is special to you? Is there a specific cuisine you adore? 

DAY 17: ART 

Art is everywhere we look. What types of art do you enjoy? Have you ever made art? Which artists do you most admire? Today’s the day to look around and notice the art in your life. Think about the creations that make you feel most inspired and share them with others today. 


No matter your age or where you are in life, comfort is something we all need. What does comfort mean to you? Is it a person? A place? And object? Take some time to think about what provides you with a sense of comfort and security. 

Throughout the month of November, as I spend a few minutes each day expanding my practice of gratitude, I will get an extra boost  of motivation stemming from the knowledge that so many of you are joining me in mind and spirit. Wishing you all a gratitude season filled with an abundance of joy, hope and peace. 

Lauren Lanzillo
Vice President, Culture & Community