UG2 in Action, UG2 News

Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month 2023

By Sayne Jimenez

Honoring Culture, Contributions, and Diversity 

From September 15 to October 15, the United States observes National Hispanic Heritage Month, a time dedicated to honoring the rich culture, history, and invaluable contributions of Hispanic and Latino/a/x Americans. This month-long celebration recognizes the significance and diversity of Hispanic communities. 

Understanding Hispanic and Latinx Heritage 

The term “Hispanic” pertains to individuals who descend from Spanish-speaking countries, while “Latino/a” or “Latinx” refers to those with roots in Latin America. Hispanic and Latino/a/x Americans represent a multitude of backgrounds, languages, and traditions. 

The Evolution of the Month-Long Celebration 

The journey of Hispanic heritage recognition in the United States began with Hispanic Heritage Week, which was introduced by Congressman George E. Brown in June of 1968. Against the backdrop of the Civil Rights Movement, the nation embraced its diverse populations, including Hispanic Americans. In the same year, President Lyndon B. Johnson expanded the celebration to a national level. It wasn’t until two decades later that the observance extended to a full month. Hispanic Heritage Month became official under Public Law 100-402 on August 17, 1988. 

September 15: A Symbolic Date 

The choice of September 15 as the start date of Hispanic Heritage Month holds cultural significance to many Latino and Hispanic cultures. It marks the independence days of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. This month also includes Chile and Mexico’s independence days and Día de la Raza (Columbus Day). 

UG2: Embracing Hispanic Heritage 

At UG2, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are embedded in our core values, and we enthusiastically embrace National Hispanic Heritage Month each year. We celebrate the outstanding contributions of all of our Hispanic team members. Our nationwide community of employees brings a wealth of perspectives, experiences, skills, and talents that enrich UG2 in a multitude of ways.  

Our philanthropic efforts extend from coast to coast, encompassing support for organizations that assist our Spanish-speaking employees, from English-as-a-foreign-language classes to professional development, civic education, and professional training. We take pride in our support for organizations like “English for New Bostonians,” which supports ESOL leadership. 

Empowering Our Employees 

Internally, the UG2 family is dedicated to supporting our employees with robust training, professional development, leadership opportunities, and a strong focus on promoting from within. We are committed to fostering a warm and welcoming workplace that encourages our team members to share their unique cultures and traditions. 

Ways to Celebrate Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month 

There are numerous ways you can celebrate Hispanic culture during this time. Here are some ideas to consider: 

  • Explore the art, music, and literature of Hispanic creatives. You can also check out if there are any exhibits, shows, or art events in your local area. 
  • Try a new dish and bring Hispanic flavors to your dinner table. Maybe you’ll find a new favorite.  
  • Learn about Hispanic heritage by educating yourself on the diverse traditions, histories, and contributions of Hispanic communities.  
  • Practice your Spanish skills! If you’re a newbie, start with basic phrases. Or, even just a word or two.  
  • Shop at your local Hispanic/Latino-owned businesses to show support for the local economy.  

As we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, we recognize the enduring impact of Hispanic and Latino/a/x Americans on both UG2, and our country as a whole. We look forward to the continued growth and unity of our diverse UG2 family. 


Sayne Jimenez
Graphic Designer