Expert Insights, UG2 in Action & News

Moving Forward and Returning to the Office

By Derek Chaves

Feel Confident with Facility Services Experts You Can Trust

More and more businesses are dipping their toes into return-to-work scenarios, and while some employees are excited by the prospect of reuniting with their colleagues, reconnecting with their workspaces and cutting down on the video meetings, others are understandably feeling more hesitant.

Throughout the pandemic, UG2 has been on the frontlines of making spaces safer—from schools and universities to office buildings, public venues, retail establishments and more. One thing we know for certain is that information is power. That’s why we’re taking this opportunity to review some of what we’ve learned over the past two-plus years and share how it informs our confidence in our approach to protecting our customers, their facilities and the people who rely on them.

Preparedness pays off. Because we built UG2 on a foundation of safety, we have always prioritized PPE and skills-building around specific resources and technology. We had deep reserves of supplies at the onset of the pandemic, and our employees were already well-versed in adopting different protocols to meet the varying needs of our customers.  

Innovation and technology lead the way. Our approach has always been to augment proven processes with state-of-the-art equipment and an emphasis on innovation and technology. Those core tenets allowed us to ramp up quickly when customers required enhancements like mobile geofencing or touchless technology to increase safety and security.

Training and reinforcement. From our very first day in business, UG2 was committed to developing the most highly trained teams in the industry. Before they even begin working with customers, our employees have been through extensive training, and we build on that knowledge continuously. That means when situations require a shift in practices, we can introduce the change seamlessly and we have the processes in place to assess progress and reinforce learning.

Adaptability is essential. The pandemic served to demonstrate just how nimble TeamUG2 can be. Our employees were already accustomed to cross-training and adjusting because we continuously refine our practices. That proved essential with ever-shifting guidelines and mandates, and time and again, our teams showed that they were more than up to the task.

Communication allows for true customization. We take pride in developing custom services for our customers, and our ability to do so allowed us to bring in best practices and adapt them for different facilities — or for a single facility’s evolving needs. Tailoring processes and protocols to our customers’ needs instead of relying on a cookie-cutter response means a safer in-person experience for everyone.

Derek Chaves
Operations Manager