New levels of clean for the new normal.

Door handles. Elevator buttons. Sink faucets. Coffee machines. Simple objects that once seemed so commonplace and ordinary are now a source of anxiety. And long after we’re all allowed to return to our normal routines, that uncertainty is sure to linger.

At UG2, our mission has always been to maintain pristine and healthy environments while providing 5-star customer service. Back when it was all business as usual, we believed this unique combination would be valuable to service providers. And now that we’re in a global pandemic, it’s absolutely essential.

As we begin to return to the new normal, you’ll be welcoming back people who are suddenly well educated about infectious disease, sanitation, and physical distancing. Because you can expect them to be hyperaware about the measures you’re taking to protect them – it’s time to expect more from your facilities services partner. Not just for the next couple months. But for good.

“I have to congratulate you on the outstanding job that was done in the cleaning and maintenance of the college in order to help in the prevention of COVID. We really appreciate all their hard work in making a safe environment for all.”

The UG2 ReNew℠ Program:

  • delivers superior levels of service and heightened levels of cleaning, disinfection and environmental management
  • establishes and communicates new behavior protocols
  • determines appropriate janitorial and engineering staffing requirements
  • reassures everyone on your property that you are committed to providing a deeper level of cleanliness
  • ensures our employees are UG2 ReNew certified, which makes them specially trained in all the services you rely on

Elevated services for a higher level of confidence.


We’re committed to helping you create healthy, clean, and thoroughly reimagined spaces for your visitors, tenants, and employees. It’s not enough to surpass the state and federal guidelines. Our goal is to exceed your expectations as well. That’s why we developed the UG2 ReNewSM program. By doing everything possible to minimize the risk of infection, these customized programs will ease fears over transitioning back to a semblance of normalcy.


As we all know, COVID-19 can be spread through contaminated surfaces. So we’ve meticulously developed new protocols for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting all high-touch surfaces in areas throughout a facility. Our approach yields consistent results, from classrooms to offices to laboratories.


There’s mounting evidence to suggest that COVID-19 is an airborne virus that can spread through HVAC and refrigeration systems. Our new Operations and Maintenance protocols for environment management help prevent the spread of infectious disease by enhancing filtration, air exchange, air stream disinfection, and use of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation.

Let’s maintain a very close –
but physically distant – working relationship.

UG2 is committed to maintaining a true sense of partnership with you as we navigate the post-COVID-19 world together. There’s simply no better way to minimize risk and provide a healthy and safe environment for your employees and visitors.

Our approach begins with understanding your needs and your timetable for reintroducing people to your facility. That way, we can provide new standard operating procedures based on increasing rates of occupancy over time.

Together, we’ll create a methodical and comprehensive approach to defining the operations and management of your facility.