Expert Insights

The 3 Phases of Reopening Companies Should Consider

By Jonathan Peck

Opening the doors again is only the first step—here’s what you need to maintain health and safety

As more states ease stay-at-home restrictions, thoughts naturally turn toward what’s needed to maintain a safe and clean environment. As part of the UG2 ReNewSM program, reopening involves three phases that can ensure operational efficiency, greater security, and higher levels of cleaning and disinfection.


Zero to 60 days and/or 50% office usage

As buildings begin to be occupied again, this phase is about reviewing building occupancy specifications and repurposing staff to meet the needs. For example, more cleaning personnel may be added at during the day to ensure a higher level of disinfection.

This phase also comes with identification of high-touch points in shared spaces, with a plan on how to keep those clean throughout the day, not just during a once-daily cleaning. This might include entry doors, elevator call buttons, handrails, door handles, faucet handles, coffee machines, vending machines, copy machine touchpads, and conference room tables.

Cleaning protocols will be reviewed, especially for open work areas and shared spaces, and most likely, certain areas may be closed to all building tenants to maintain cleanliness, such as break rooms or fitness centers.

To help returning tenants, this phase also includes increased communication, including signage that reminds them about social distancing, handwashing, desk sanitizing, and safety protocols.


60 to 120 days and/or 50% to 75% office usage

After a few months as tenant occupancy increases, UG2 and building management will increase staffing levels to compensate for additional activity. For example, day porter staff will likely be increased to provide greater awareness and services within a space.

At this phase, it’s likely that places previously closed—fitness areas, indoor seating spaces, and shared kitchen areas—will begin to be opened, as long as social distancing can be maintained. Because of this, new cleaning procedures and equipment will be implemented, particularly if occupants are using these spaces frequently. Communication in this phase includes program enhancements, safety updates, and changes in protocols.


120 to 180 days and/or 75% to 100% office usage

As tenant occupancy increases towards full usage, UG2 and building management will again evaluate staffing levels to ensure that additional activity and use is not compromising cleaning and disinfection protocols. Most likely, day porter staff levels will level off while night cleaning staff will be increased, to account for greater building occupancy.

With more staffing and disinfecting needs comes incremental costs, so an important part of this phase is to look at procedures that can help offset cost. For example, that might mean centralizing waste management services, or leveraging supply chain partners in a more effective way. Communication efforts will continue to emphasize program changes and safety updates.

Recognizing that our customers have different needs and timetables for reintroducing people into the workplace and onto campuses, UG2 ReNew offers a comprehensive, methodical approach aimed at mitigating risk and providing a healthy and safe environment for all.

Jonathan Peck
Senior Vice President, Operations